Menu rotasi 2.2

Hello guysss...!!

Today me and my friends gathered in the kitchen at 07:49, as usual we are in the grooming check before entering the kitchen and in absent one by one. After that we oneline in the cold kitchen after oneline we were given directions how to make the menu that we will order to the restaurant.

While the other friends made the menu, my group made product project, me and my group made a product that we will show to Mr. Ical or Mr. Wawan. After finished making the product we show and finally in acc, after that my group went in to prepare ingredients for the next day that is menu 2.3 that is from Thailand.

Today pict about my projek :

After that, me and my friends finished prepare, we also immediately did a gc , and in the section shared by Mr. Ical, there is a cold kitchen and there is a mini library, i got a task in the mini library, after the gc all, we get oneline and Mr. Ichal to give directions and then we pray and get ready to go home. Wassalam..

Today pict about prepared :


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