Menu rotasi 3 (2)

Halo assalamualaikum genk..

Today at 08.00 me and my friend's get ready to online , and as usually we were absent one by one and examination grooming. that we also in to the cold kitchen. And than we oneline again and get ready for doing but my group out of the kitchen for study research product and we will submit to mr. Wawan , but maybe mr. Wawan is busy finally me and my friend's cancel our plan for submit.

I went into the cold kitchen to see the other friends who were busy doing, and i helped them yeah one of them cut the vegetables that exist, after i help, i see Mr. Jaya is busy organizing a new class i also directly help him. After all finished we are given a break time. And than we back to the kitchen.

We get ready for oneline and we rushed immediately did the general cleaning. Before we general cleaning we are in each section and i'am given in the man kitchen, after all finished me and my friend's take a break, after that we get ready for oneline again to breafing and get ready go home. Wassalam..

Today product :


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