mid praktek (indonesian buffet)

Halooo, today I left for campus at 7:00 a.m. where today is mid practice, I left with mifta on a motorcycle. In contrast to previous practice days, on usual practice days we are inched by seniot 5th semester but because this is mid practice so the one who gives direction is Pak Jaya.

After in the main kitchen we shared each other's work, I made meat rendang and other friends also got the task of making other menus. During doing so, I let the rendang stand on the stove with low heat so that the marinade seeped and the meat was soft when chewed. After that I left a few hours and I helped my friend make a dessert, namely doko-doko cangkuning, after I finished returning to my section, finally the rendang was finished and ready to be set-up.

After everything is ready to be ordered to the restaurant, I immediately clean the work area and equipment that I have used, after we finish, we immediately help group 4 to prepare the menu for the next day. I helped to make kote bitch, because the next day was a buffet buffet. After all the activities were finished we immediately went into general cleaning and helped each other, after our general cleaning was done and while waiting for the direction from the supervisor to return to their homes. Wassalam.

Today's activities:


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