Day 2 (gammara)

Hello guys, today I left for the Gammara hotel at 6:50 a.m. because I entered the morning so I had to be faster, because the hotel and campus rules were different.

There are many preparations that have to be finished because the hotel everything must be ready. Btw, I'm still in the pastry, I'm glad finally found out about the cake hehe. Like yesterday before entering, of course we filled in the attendance absent, after that it was only possible to enter the kitchen.

Today I was taught by ms. Ririn and cheff Salam making red felvet, cheese cake, sea cucumber, and many more. His name is also pastry, surely all kinds of cake are made. When I was finished, me and my friend were eating lunch, after we went back to the kitchen to continue the work.

After all the work is done, we also do general cleaning and tidy up the tools and materials that have been used, the other senior brothers go on to other jobs because they make the orders from our guests allowed to go home.

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