don't be bored among us guys. Today is the third day entering the kitchen of the Makassar Poltekpar campus, where I always leave at 7.05am from my boarding house. I went to college with my friend, Yandi. Arriving on campus, my friends and I entered the lockers to store our valuables each.
Today is the third day that we make croissants. Well This really makes me curious, why from the first day the dough that I make always fails. But good luck today. We just pray that the material is not wasted continuously. Almost every day only makes croissants, and the material starts to thin out, well the name is also learning is very teachable, thank God.
Btw, before we make the dough, we divide each group There are containing 3-4 people per group. 1 group made 2 doughs, some made croissants and some made sourdough. Here we re-start making the dough until smooth and good luck, Aamiin.
today pict :
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