daily activity
Assalamualaikum ..
Spring day, where most people hate it, even though Monday is not a bad day in my opinion. Don't know why most people hate it. Btw today we are doing the practice of making croissants, bread shaped like a snail shell. Usually in the last week we were given a series of groups doing this activity, but today, Pak ical May, we at once made a class making croissants. He did it first and then we did it, mostly anyway, before the subordinates surely the chairman had to practice a matter like making croissants.
When finished, Pak ical then directed us to make croissants, and 1 group was divided into 2 people. I am in one group with my friend which is early. We prepare materials and tools first, then we do it and immediately make it. Making croissants takes a very long time and process and also requires patience and tenacity. Switching the batter also requires a bit of energy haha.
Back again in practice week, where we use uniform cook clothes. Today I leave for my kitchen at 7.05am, the distance from my place to campus is not that far, I'm boarding near the campus area to be close and strategies.
Spring day, where most people hate it, even though Monday is not a bad day in my opinion. Don't know why most people hate it. Btw today we are doing the practice of making croissants, bread shaped like a snail shell. Usually in the last week we were given a series of groups doing this activity, but today, Pak ical May, we at once made a class making croissants. He did it first and then we did it, mostly anyway, before the subordinates surely the chairman had to practice a matter like making croissants.
So let's go to the pictures :

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