daily activity
Assalamualaikum guys .. come back again with diamonds diiiii this daily blog, wow wow wahhh long time no see in the campus kitchen area huhu, after finishing doing PKN at Temasek Hotel Melaka, finally me and my friends who have also finished PKN are back in again campus. After 6 months, it really drastically changed so much, both the kitchen, the rules and the character of my friends. Now we have entered semester 5, where in this 5th semester we will focus on pastry & bakery. The first week we entered the week of practice, where this is the first time we practice in the kitchen polytechnic after 6 months. This week we are still adjusting.
In the first week we entered into fast food material. Where we were divided into two groups, namely group 1 and group 2. Group 1 received a brazilian menu, and group 2 received a korean menu. I entered in group 2, as for menu group 2, namely Gajimari, Ojingeo Gui, Bibimbap, and Seolleongtang, nanamoi bars. We made this food as a fast food menu, where we had to serve this food quickly and it was still hot if someone ordered it. Wow, aren't you guys? ha ha. When people order food, the maximum time to wait for food is 15 minutes. This week we made a free meal coupon as well as a tester for lecturers, and distributed free meal promos to other study program students on the condition to follow ig @ mtbgenk.
Btw, in our group we distributed each section to make each Korean menu that was distributed to our group, one of which was Ojingeo gui. Ojingeo Giu is grilled squid and then smeared with some spices and soy sauce so that the color is brown. and there are still many other menus that you can see on each of my group's friends' blogs ... The following moments where we carry out practical classes

today pict :`
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