blog harian 14,05,2018

hi guys, welcome back to my blog..

Today i went to college at 07.00. I left with my friends early, upon arrival at campus as usual we prepared to wear our attributes equipment and before entering the room we were absent one by one then the senior checked our grooming examination. After that we also went into cold kitchen and did oneline with orderly. Before we did  we reviewed first to sharpen the brain in the morning, hehe. After completion of review we also returned oneline and distributed the tasks of each group. After division of our tasks we were directly doing, my group got task to make konro bakae and nasi putih but we made konro bakar first because we made nasi putih the next day.

After my duties finished I went into the pastry to help other friends create jalang kote, we helped each other to be more lighten. When finished I immediately returned to the cold kitchen. And petrified again another friend made banana ijo. After all the ingredients of preparation finished we did oneline again. We were shared each section for general cleaning, I got a section in cold kitchen and other friends in the main kitchen and there are also office and butcher.

During the general cleaning we helped each other and thoroughly cleaned from the invisible parts to the visible because pak ical did not like dirty people in  makassar language is (rantasaa) hehe. After the general cleaning is finished we waited for instructions from the lecturers, after that we did oneline and a bit of breafing and sit together and then we went home.

today activity :


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